
Michigan Technological University
132 projects by 184 researchers.

Recent Projects

Mining Engineering Pre-College Camp...

The week-long Mining Engineering program engages interested 9-11th grade students in the field of mining. Led by faculty, staff, and graduate students from Michigan Tech, participants get hands-on with engineering, explore future careers in extraction and mining, and learn from role models in...

$0 (funded)
$20,000 (goal)
Engineering Scholars Program...

ESP is a week-long summer camp for high-achieving young men & women in grades 9-11. Led by faculty, staff, and graduate students from Michigan Tech, participants spend the week exploring future careers in engineering. They learn about multiple engineering fields, complete group projects, and...

$20,000 (funded)
$150,000 (goal)
Women in Engineering Pre-College...

WIE is a week-long summer camp for high-achieving young women in grades 9-11. Led by faculty, staff, and graduate students from Michigan Tech, participants spend the week exploring future careers in engineering. They learn about multiple engineering fields, complete group projects, and more -...

$35,100 (funded)
$150,000 (goal)
Women in Computer Science...

WiCS is a week-long summer camp for high-achieving young women in grades 9-11. Led by faculty, staff, and graduate students from Michigan Tech's Department of Computer Science, participants spend the week exploring a future career in computer science. They learn programming, artificial...

$16,525 (funded)
$40,000 (goal)
"RENEW-U" - Exercise...

Our exercise device offers an innovative approach for individuals with spinal cord injury to exercise upper-extremity muscles so that they can improve their strength and wheelchair mobility which will lead to greater independence and enhanced quality of life.

$8,660 (funded)
$10,000 (goal)
Constructing an Arts &...

In the Mind Music Machine (tri-M) Lab, we want to make a story-telling application for children in which kids can play around with blocks, balls, animals, and robots and based on their interaction with the toys, the platform will allow them to make various stories with the help of expanded visuals...

$0 (funded)
$10,000 (goal)
Oculus-ASR Nanosatellite

The mission of the Oculus-ASR nanosatellite is to aid in calibration of algorithms and a global array of telescopes that, using unresolved optical imagery, can determine spacecraft attitude and shape. The program will be used to determine the missions and intentions of unfriendly or unknown...

$6,000 (funded)
$10,000 (goal)
Great Lakes Research Center Buoy...

Every year the Great Lakes experience a vast array of different weather conditions. For battery operated weather buoys, this weather can cause numerous issues in regards to power management.

$1,000 (funded)
$10,000 (goal)
Vent-A-Nation: International...

The International Business Venture Enterprise (IBV) at Michigan Technological University is a Biomedical Enterprise that focuses on providing solutions for global medical problems. To improve the capabilities and safety of low-cost ventilators, we are designing a simple yet reliable...

$1,010 (funded)
$10,000 (goal)
Supermileage Systems Enterprise...

MTU's Supermileage System Enterprise team is pursuing fuel economy challenges by developing vehicles that push efficiency to the extreme. Our team is striving to explore the benefits of using battery electric technology with the use of advanced, lightweight composite materials, advanced motor...

$351 (funded)
$10,000 (goal)


Gifts to projects listed on SUPERIORIDEAS.ORG are received and processed by Michigan Tech Fund. Michigan Tech Fund is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code acting on behalf of Michigan Technological University. It is the policy of Michigan Tech Fund that a portion of the gifts and/or income therefrom may be used to defray the costs of raising and administering the funds.