[PANK] – PANK Magazine & Tiny Hardcore Press
Why This Project Is Important
The soul of a culture can be found within its literature. From Whitman's barbaric yawp to Ginsberg's howl to Angelou's caged bird singing, the best literature has historically acted not as a hedge against change, nor as a fortress amidst the barbarians, but instead as an agent of radical transformation and transcendence, creating spaces where writers and readers have come together to unlock the future. Since its founding in 2006, [PANK] has become one of the nation's leading provocateurs for emerging and experimental literature in America, a grass roots literary arts organization whose magazine and small press pay forward the profound tradition of literary transgression, helping to point the way ahead.
Project Description
In the vernacular of the upper Great Lakes, "to pank" means to make a path and the term was once used to describe the process of packing dynamite into blast holes in the mines of the copper and iron ranges.
Founded at Michigan Tech by M. Bartley Seigel and Roxane Gay, [PANK] has been acknowledged by Poets & Writers, among others, as one of the most important literary magazines and micro presses publishing in America today. The New York Times recently named [PANK] one of the leading literary innovators in American publishing.
As a literary magazine and micro press based out of a technological university on the shores of Lake Superior, [PANK] prides itself on its outsider position and status. It’s geographic and institutional uniqueness informs and supports [PANK]’s commitment to new, emerging, experimental, nontraditional, and underrepresented creative writing and the artists who produce it. [PANK], forging a new path for literature as we know it.
• PANK Magazine publishes a biannual print magazine and a monthly online magazine featuring brand new writing from poets and writers around the world in English and in translation.
• Tiny Hardcore Press publishes single-authored print books and e-books, specializing in unique and experimental poetry and prose.
• [PANK] holds a variety of live readings around the United States called Invasions.
• In 2012, [PANK] had a cross-platform circulation of 383,305 readers in over 100 countries.
Meet the Researcher

M. Bartley Seigel
M. Bartley Seigel is faculty advisor for the Portage Review. He is the author of This Is What They Say (Typecast Publishing); founding editor and publisher emeritus, PANK Magazine; and associate professor of creative writing at Michigan Technological University. His poetry regularly appears in journals such as DIAGRAM, Michigan Quarterly Review, Split Rock Review, Thrush, and Words without Borders, among others.
days left
What Your Donation Can Help Us Do:
- Support honorariums for poets and writers published by PANK Magazine and Tiny Hardcore Press.
- Support the administrative, production, and distribution costs of PANK Magazine and Tiny Hardcore Press.
- Support of development and administration for the [PANK] website and other digital initiatives.
- Support the administrative costs of the [PANK] Reading Series, Invasions.
- Support Michigan Tech student involvement with [PANK].
$1 8 Funders
$1-24: Receipt acknowledging tax-deductible status of your donation, plus your name listed as "supporter" on the PANK masthead, both print and online.
$25 32 Funders
$25-49: Receipt acknowledging tax-deductible status of your donation, a one-year subscription to the print magazine, plus your name listed as "patron" on the PANK masthead, both print and online.
$50 10 Funders
$50-99: Receipt acknowledging tax-deductible status of your donation, a two-year subscription to the print magazine, plus your name listed as "contributing patron" on the PANK masthead, both print and online.
$100 7 Funders
$100-249: Receipt acknowledging tax-deductible status of your donation, a two-year subscription to the print magazine, a PANK tshirt, plus your name listed as "sponsor patron" on the PANK masthead, both print and online.
$250 1 Funder
$250-499: Receipt acknowledging tax-deductible status of your donation, a 2-year subscription to the print magazine, a PANK tshirt, a signed copy of our most recent THP title, plus your name listed as "benefactor patron" on the masthead.
$500 2 Funders
$500+: Receipt acknowledging tax-deductible status of your donation, a 2-year subscription to the print magazine, a PANK tshirt, signed copies of all currently available THP titles, plus your name listed as "premier circle benefactor" on the masthead.
Recent Donors
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Questions for the Researcher