Project Africa - Education, Health, and Power
Why This Project Is Important
Villages in Africa have limited access to resources to help improve their community and quality of life. Our goal is to help change this. We will improve the education system in several small villages in Ghana and educate the community to make the country healthier. We will also investigate less expensive sources of power for people with limited funds. While in Tanzania, we will work to improve the computer literacy and computer labs for a few schools (one secondary and one primary). We will also provide educational and fun science labs in the chemistry and physics areas. The school we will be working with also would like some help designing and constructing an addition to their current water system.
Project Description
Michigan Technological University's Pavlis Institute for Global Technological Leadership will be traveling to Africa to improve the communities in Ghana and Tanzania. Our biggest project in Ghana is the education system. We will create science labs in the chemistry and physics area, develop reading lessons, and educate the children on personal hygiene. We will also improve and add supplies to the Mobile Clinic, which is a project that was started a few years ago by Michigan Tech's International Business Ventures Enterprise Team. The Mobile Clinic brings basic healthcare services to villages surrounding Ghana. Another major project we will focus on is the Lister Engine. One of the villages has an old Lister Engine that they use to power a generator for their clinic. However, they currently run it on diesel and we want to look into powering it with a biodiesel fuel instead.
In Tanzania, our biggest project is to work with the schools to improve overall computer literacy and understanding. We will educate and designate one IT person at each school, as well as a group of students to the best of our ability. We would also like to help provide them with more computers for their students. They currently have 5 computers for 500 students. Another project we will be looking into is a water system for the school. They are expanding the school and want to increase the water supply from natural sources for the school and the near-by village.
With your donations, we will be able to improve the standard of living in Ghana and Tanzania.
Meet the Researcher

days left
What Your Donation Can Help Us Do:
- Help improve the structural quality of the schools as well as create educational programs for the students (both countries)
- Help improve the quality of the computer labs in Tanzania
- Help provide Medical Supplies for the Mobile Clinic in Ghana
- Work with women's health education (both countries)
- Help perform fuel efficiency tests for cheaper bio-organic fuels in Ghana
$25+ 2 Funders
Signed picture of the team with one of our projects
$50+ 1 Funder
Collection of project photos
$75+ 0 Funders
Letters/Emails from the team while in country updating you on the progress of the projects
$100 0 Funders
Signed copy of our completed project report detailing all projects worked on over the course of the trip
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